Author : GWG Category : General June 10, 2024

In this blog, let's learn about how to write a letter of recommendation. If you are someone who finds yourself in a struggling position while writing a letter of recommendation, let's take a deep dive in it. 

A letter of recommendation is a formal document that is written on an applicant's behalf by someone who is credible for their character, abilities, professional success, and educational achievements. This letter is an important resource for the applicant when they are trying to get a job. Letter of recommendation also written while a person is seeking scholarship or admission in a well reputed school or college. The letter, which is usually addressed to a hiring manager, admissions officer, or selection committee. It offers a deep and personalized summary of the applicant's skills and potential. 

A teacher, professor, employer, or guide who has had extensive contact with the candidate and has a deep knowledge about his skills and accomplishments is frequently the person who writes letters of recommendation. Usually, the letter starts with an introduction outlining the applicant-recommender relationship and establishing the legitimacy and applicability of the recommender's comments. The letter then goes into detail in the body, providing particular examples and experiences that showcase the applicant's strong points, like their work ethic, leadership abilities, teamwork skills, and academic achievement. Solid proof of the applicant's achievement. Significant efforts, honors, or contributions that distinguish them from their peers, is sometimes included in this area. In order to strengthen the applicant's eligibility for the desired post or programme. The recommender may additionally talk about the applicant's personal traits such as integrity, resilience, and interpersonal skills.

Example for Letter of Recommendation 

Jane Doe Professor of Business at Generic University

1234 Main Street, Amsterdam, NY 12345-555-555-5555

June 6, 2024

Admissions Committee

University of Amsterdam

4321 Second Street

Amsterdam, CA, 67890

Dear Admissions Committee,

It is my pleasure to enthusiastically recommend Jan Jansen for admission to the Master of Business Administration program at the University of Somewhere. 

My name is Keshav Pandey, Professor of Business at Generic University. I had the pleasure of working with Jan for two years while she was a student in two of my courses. Of all the undergraduate students I've worked with, Jan is among the most intellectually curious and enthusiastic.

During our time together, Jan proved to be bright, inquisitive, and diligent in her studies. Her collaboration and leadership skills were truly impressive, and her capstone project on management strategies in developing countries won glowing reviews from both her peers and other professors. 

Jan's passions extend well beyond the classroom as well. During the first month of her freshman year, she organized the university's first Young Investors Club. By the end of the semester, she'd registered the club, secured an advisor, recruited more than two dozen members, and organized executive board elections.

I am confident without reservation that Jan would be an excellent fit for the University of Somewhere's graduate community. As a tirelessly creative and passionate individual, she will be a productive addition to your organization.

Feel free to contact me at 555-555-5555 or if you have any questions or would like me to further elaborate on Jan's talents and achievements. 



Professor of Business

Format of Letter of Recommendation 

It is crucial to pay attention to any special instructions given by the requester when composing a letter of recommendation because multiple organizations could have unique requirements. For the most part, though, recommendation letters follow a general format. A thorough explanation of the essential sections of the structure is provided below:

> > Time of Date

> > Recipient Name

> > Recipient Title 

> >  Recipient Address

> > Greeting

> > Personal Introduction

> > Recommendation

> > Anecdote or Example

> > Closing

> > Contact Information

> > Signature

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